Vella Booster

A Beverage with miracle effects!

Vella Booster represents vigour and vitality. Our secret formula is a combination of refine extractions and technologies from Europe, America and Asia. These refined extractions are carefully checked by microbiologist and our chemist together with third party verification by PSB Singapore to ensure that this Malaysian product is of an international standard. The supremacy of Vella Booster is based on collaboration and voluntary participation of team of professionals in R&D.  This Optimal formulation has made Power to stand above the rest… to infinity and beyond

Benefits of Vella Booster

Blood Circulation

Vella Booster enhances the blood circulation throughout your body. Vella Booster may help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels,  allowing your blood to flow more easily. You may feel heat in behind your ears right after consuming Vella Booster.


Increased Immunisation

In many studies it is demonstrated that our key ingredient has antiviral activity not only against Flu-A (like most antiviral agents) but also Flu-B viruses, providing remarkable therapeutic benefits.


Libido (Male)

Naturally enhances your Libido. You will experience a peak in your sexual stamina, For someone with erectile dysfunction complications, Vella increases blood flow to the blood vessels that supply the penis and increases the chances of recovery. With no Viagra added.



Vella Booster has a positive effect on the stabilization of blood glucose levels. When your blood sugar spikes, your body typically aims to correct this by producing more insulin, eventually leading to an energy crash. With Vella Booster, the sugar levels can be more stable, you can prevent these peaks and crashes and maintain more consistent energy throughout the day.


Boost Immune

Studies shows that Lepidium meyenii increases the glutathione levels in the body, it not only improves your immune system and disease resistance, but also it is helps balance proper levels of cholesterol in the body. Plus, it significantly improves glucose tolerance, by lowering levels of glucose in blood.


Female Benefits

For woman, consuming Vella Booster will likely result in less anxiety and depression and higher libido. Vella Booster may also boost libido in women and also those who are struggling to achieve orgasm in the postmenopausal period. Vella booster may also relief PMS Cramps and mood swings.  Premenopausal and post menopausal woman has linked to an increase in hormones.

Our Ingredients

That makes Vella Booster great!



Blackcurrant is known for its Nutrient-rich, versatile and jam-packed with health benefits, these berries are potent antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-diabetic, and anticancer agents.

They prevent viral infections and boost your memory. Your skin and eyes will love this fruit too! They are proven to be having Anti-inflammatory Effects, Soothe the Stomach and Aid Digestion, Boost Kidney Health, Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels, Have Antidiabetic Effects, Protect Your Brain, May Promote Liver Health and many more!

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Apple Fiber

Apple fiber is mineral-rich and has gel-like and sponge-like qualities that makes it capable of surviving through the neutralizing effects of enzymes and acids in the digestive system, and still work its magic in the lower intestinal tract.

Vella booster contains high concentrations of apple fiber that provide an equivalent daily intake of eating around 11 apples.

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Oligosaccharides extract from red kidney beans, these extract which are non-digestible, fermentable fibers that cause gas. While this might sound like a bad thing, it’s actually a very good thing.

These fibers survive the acidic stomach and don’t get digested in the upper part of the gut. They make their way intact to the colon where they are fermented by beneficial bacteria.

Gas is created during this fermentation process. It’s a good sign, one that says these healthful bacteria are being fed well, maintained, and enhanced through the right food choices, which in turn may lead to the prevention of diseases of the gut, as well as other organs in the body.


Psyllium Husk

Psyllium is a form of fiber made from the husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds. Research shows that taking psyllium is beneficial to many parts of the human body, including the heart and the pancreas.

Its benefits expend in many areas like Digestive health, Psyllium makes bowel movements much easier without increasing flatulence. It can ease constipation and promotes overall digestive health.

Research has shown that it can help people manage their cholesterol levels that help people with heart diseases, obesity and many more.

People with diabetes have to be mindful of their diet to maintain a healthy balance of insulin and blood sugar (glucose). Some research has suggested that fibers like psyllium can help people maintain a healthy glycemic balance.
They prevent viral infections and boost your memory. Your skin and eyes will love this fruit too! They are proven to be having Anti-inflammatory Effects, Soothe the Stomach and Aid Digestion, Boost Kidney Health, Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels, Have Antidiabetic Effects, Protect Your Brain, May Promote Liver Health and many more!

Lepidium meyenii

Lepidium meyenii

The maca plant, known scientifically as Lepidium meyenii is very nutritious and is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals. Lepidium meyenii naturally boosts libido and can increase sperm production and improve sperm quality, thereby enhancing fertility in men. As for females, Maca can improve symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and disrupted sleep at night.

Tea Polyphenols

Tea Polyphenols

Tea polyphenols are chemical compounds such as flavonoids and tannins found naturally in tea.

Polyphenols are most definitely antioxidants, which means that they can reduce the risk of developing coronary artery disease and several other health problems. The polyphenols found in tea have also been linked with cancer reduction, as they appear to block the action of some enzymes linked with cancer.

The polyphenols found in tea also appear to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, while promoting beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Tea Polyphenols

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus with the highest presence of saponins and other nutrients can be found in Turkey, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. People have been using the leaf, root, and fruit of the Tribulus plant as an ingredient in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries.

Over the years, Tribulus has been taken for many reasons, like improving athletic performance, heart and circulatory issues, sexual issues, and bodybuilding.

Studies have shown that this herb elevates the luteinising hormone (LH), increasing the levels of free testosterone in healthy males. This in turn will increase sexual desire and libido, improve the quality of sperm whilst making it more nimble, in some cases it will help to remedy erectile dysfunction and it has been proven to be helpful in cases of premature ejaculation.

For females, it dramatically improves sexual performance and sensitivity for most women. This Ayurvedic herb has been indicated for use in sexual health for many years.

Citric Acid

Citric Acid

Citric acid is a compound originally derived from lemon juice. It’s produced today from a specific type of mold and used in a variety of applications.

Citric acid has many impressive health benefits and functions. It helps with energy metabolism, the absorption of minerals, and the prevention or treatment of kidney stones.

Citrate — a closely related molecule of citric acid — is the first molecule that forms during a process called the citric acid cycle these chemical reactions in your body help transform food into usable energy.

Citric acid enhances the bioavailability of minerals, allowing your body to better absorb them and it May Protect Against Kidney Stone, Citric acid — in the form of potassium citrate — prevents new kidney stone formation and breaks apart those already formed

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